Our Exclusive ELISA Solutions

Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, or ELISA, has been utilised as a screening tool for some time. The immunoassay technique is a popular choice for the evaluation of various research and diagnostic targets including drugs of abuse testing.

As primary manufacturers of the Biochip Array Technology, Randox Toxicology also provide highly sensitive ELISA kits that are compatible with all microplate processing instruments. Our test menu covers a broad range of drugs of abuse and metabolites including New Psychoactive Substances, stimulants, analgesics and sedatives. With low specificity, our ELISA kits are available across whole blood, urine and oral fluid matrices. Randox Toxicology develops the highest quality 96-well microtitre plates available on the market, with results providing excellent correlation with confirmatory methods.

Our range of ELISAs are precoated with our own antibodies which are cultivated in the UK. The ready to use reagent format facilitates optimum laboratory efficiency and allows up to 80 samples to be analysed in 2 to 3 hours with ELISA procedures.

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* EXCLUSIVE to Randox Toxicology

For more information on our ELISA solutions email info@randoxtoxicology.com to be put in touch with a sales member in your area or visit www.randoxtoxicology.com.

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