World Cup 2018 – Drug Facts – Day 9 Denmark

Use of illegal substances in Denmark has fallen over the last 15 years with the exception of Cannabis. Cannabis is the most commonly used illicit drug used among the Danish adult population, followed by amphetamines, cocaine and MDMA/ecstasy. Data from a 2013 general population survey showed that one in two young adults aged 16-34 years had tried cannabis, while 1 in 10 had tried cocaine. Slightly fewer than one fifth of young adults had used cannabis in the last year and the last-year prevalence rates were highest among those aged 16-24 years.

This indicates that there has been a slight upwards trend in cannabis use among young adults since 2010. A more recent survey also indicates a decreasing trend in use of amphetamines and MDMA among young people, while cocaine use remained reasonably stable during that period. Danish males generally report more common drug use rates than females.

In 2015, a record number of cannabis seizures was reported. Morocco continues to be the primary producing country for the cannabis resin that reaches the Danish market. Domestic production of cannabis has been reported, albeit on a very small scale. In recent years, there has been a moderate increase in the reported indoor cultivation of cannabis. Investigations indicate that most of the herbal cannabis seized is from domestic cultivation. In some cases, there has been occasional distribution of domestically grown cannabis to neighbouring countries, such as Sweden and Germany.

In 2015, cocaine was the second most frequently seized substance in Denmark. Cocaine seized in Denmark originates from South America and is trafficked into the country via the Netherlands, Spain, and the Balkans by land or air via West Africa. However, cocaine has been increasingly reported to be trafficked directly from producer countries by sea or air. Available information suggests that some of the cocaine seized in Denmark is intended for distribution to other European countries.

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